116 E 32nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Onsite Classes

Onsite Classes

Dear parents, students and community members. There will be onsite class at ALHIKMA. Classes will continue online on their schedule bases and each teacher will contact his student’s parents. Please contact us for questions or concerns as the office will operate normal hours. Thanks ALHIKMA ADMIN

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STEM Open House!

STEM Open House!

Wondered what programs we are adding, its first time and very unique one, STEM, science, technology, engineering and math. ALHIKMA always number one for our kids education. OPEN HOUSE MARCH. 9th, 2020, 4pm at ALHIKMA CENTER. 2910 Pillsbury Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55408 Call: (612) 474-1487 or visit the website

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ALHIKMA Cares & Shares

ALHIKMA Cares & Shares

Teachers Who Does The Parents Job! Its not just teaching the most valuable thing on earth, but its implementing its values and sharing and caring. ALHIKMA teachers are the front line when it comes to the care of their students. In yesterday, Feb. 29, 2020, one of the kids get…

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Education Starts Early for Islamic Kids

Education Starts Early for Islamic Kids

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES The admin, teachers, students and parents of ALHIKMA ASSOCIATION congratulates to our new graduates who have successfully completed the HOLY QUR’AN. These students have shown a talent and as they are determined by positive attitude. We ask ALLAH to increase their knowledge and protect them from…

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We Take Another Step, Its STEM Now!

We Take Another Step, Its STEM Now!

Our STEM is beyond the standards. From Collections Over 16 Years & Competition With Current Systems, I Have Created These Courses For You! We teach Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in practical way. Learning in fun environment will give your child to the highest potential. Your child deserve better future…

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